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TriangularTip Radius (nm)
Nom: 25
Max: 35
Frequency (KHz)
Nom: 70
Min: 45
Max: 95
Length (µm)
Nom: 115
Min: 130
Max: 100
Spring Const (N/m)
Nom: 0.4
Min: 0.2
Max: 0.8
Width (µm)
Nom: 25
Min: 20
Max: 30
Order a free PFTUNA sample
Price: $514.50 (USD)
Sold in packs of 10
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PFTUNA probes combine the low spring constant and high sensitivity of a nitride cantilever with a sharp, electrically conductive tip. When used with Brukers exclusive PeakForce TUNA mode, they enable an unprecedented level of high resolution electrical characterization on fragile samples.