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A Rectangular Frequency (KHz)
Nom: 293
Min: 200
Max: 380
Length (µm)
Nom: 97
Min: 97
Max: 99
Spring Const (N/m)
Nom: 10.4
Min: 0
Max: 0
Width (µm)
Nom: 29
Min: 26
Max: 32
B Rectangular
Frequency (KHz)
Nom: 71
Min: 60
Max: 92
Length (µm)
Nom: 197
Min: 195
Max: 199
Spring Const (N/m)
Nom: 1.3
Min: 0
Max: 0
Width (µm)
Nom: 29
Min: 26
Max: 32
C Rectangular
Frequency (KHz)
Nom: 18
Min: 12
Max: 24
Length (µm)
Nom: 397
Min: 394
Max: 400
Spring Const (N/m)
Nom: 0.16
Min: 0
Max: 0
Width (µm)
Nom: 29
Min: 26
Max: 32
Price: $656.25 (USD)
Sold in packs of 5
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A pack of Calibration Probes
A variety pack of tipless calibration levers with three different spring constants. Mounted for CPII / Innova AFMs.
A variety pack of tipless calibration levers with three different spring constants. Mounted for CPII / Innova AFMs.
Tip Specification
No tip image available. Tipless cantilevers.
Cantilever Specification
Material: 1 Ωcm Silicon
Geometry: Rectangular
Cantilevers Number: 3
Cantilever Thickness (Nom): 2µm
Cantilever Thickness (RNG): 1.8 - 2.2µm